Sunday 4 May 2008

Tufty Club

Hello Mr Carter- in case you go online in migrant-infested Lesvos I am posting this to assure you that you haven't missed much here this afternoon, at least if my efforts were owt to go by...

The highlight was a good swallow passage through the parish. I counted 88 north in an hour-long tern vigil opposite 'gull bank'.

Freeman's pools had an almighty four tufted ducks (2 'pairs') and a drake teal. A few swifts and house martins feeding here also.

Circa 8 lesser and 4 common whitethroats were in evidence but not particularly vocal in the breezy gloom.

Nothing much by the wildfowler pools or on the dog-filled marsh... I had to resort to going south of the parish boundary to pick up whimbrels, for example.


1 comment:

Paul Maxwell said...

Hi all Birders at Aldcliffe. Just started birding so still very new. I think we meet Jon a few weeks ago you ponted out the Little egrets to me and we saw the little Grebe. I walk the area Aldcliffe area on most mornings so having just discoverd this site i will post on this sit if thats OK.
Cheers Paul