Merlin settled on the marsh
90% of Freemans pool iced over. You should see the smew whilst you can.
2 water rail in the ditch between the top and bottom paths.
5 skylark and 50 plus linnet in the stubble fields.
Smew still on Freemans pool. It looks very settled and is associating with the three tufties. 10 gadwall, a kestrel and a green sandpiper also.
2 dunlin and 40 golden plover on the marsh.
1 little egret.
Merlin attacked a couple of pipits on the high tide mark before settling on a tree stump.
17 moorhen together at wildfowlers.
Presumed jack snipe flushed at snipe bog. Shorter bill, silent when flew off and only flew about 100m before settling again. 12 of its common cousins scattered about the place.
Dead GBBG round cadaver corner.
Smew still on Freeman's Pool, reported on LDBWS.