
Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy New Year..............................

Waxwing yesterday, 21, courtesy of Dan, no sign this morning.
Barnacle Geese still present along with Greylags, Canada and Mute Swans. Freeman's Wood saw Treecreeper 2, Wren, Bullfinch, Robins, Great/Blue/Long-tailed tits, Song Thrush, Dunnock.
All fairly quiet really, pools all still frozen, lots of bikes, dogs and walkers, many managing to wander off the paths! Few Fieldfare, lots of Blackbirds, Chaffinch and an influx of Magpies, about 30 something.
Two Peregrines were at the pylons.
From LDBWS, 7 Grey Partridge in the field south of the bund at the Freeman's Wood crossroads, courtesy of eddybayton.
I seem to be missing quite a few good birds last few days, such is life!
Happy New Year all. Dan here!

A friend tells me there were at least four waxwings in hawthorns along the track today, but a little nearer Stodday than yesterday's larger flock. They were even flitting down to the high tide flotsam to glean something or other.

I think I might be right in saying that these are the first waxwing records for Aldcliffe proper. Waxwings seem to prefer to be close to amenities like supermarkets, schools and hospitals in Winter!

Here is my chum's record shot from this morning (almost as bad as one of mine!)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. About time too! Those cheeky berry-munchers have avoided Aldcliffe with irritating determination for bloody years! A long overdue site tick. Nice one!
