
Thursday 10 December 2009

Shiver me barnacles

Not sure if this is a particularly suitable headline. Today was one of only a few winter days each year I am able to walk along the sea wall without hat or gloves.

3 barnacle geese with the greylags and a couple of pinkies on the marsh at Railway Crossroads.
2 greensandpipers on the flood.
20 linnet on the stubble fields.
4 snow geese on the opposite side of the Lune.
3 bullfinch on the top path.
2 grey and 5 pied wags at the sewerage works.
At least one chiffchaff in the bushes at the sewerage works. 1 pale bird with a faint supercilium was seen and I also heard another bird calling on the cycle track which may have been a chiffchaff.


1 comment:

  1. Hello
    I think these Barnacles have done the rounds, Guy - Leighton to Greta Foot (with Canadas) and now Aldcliffe

    Chiff sounds to be worth a look - similar scenario to High Bentham last back-end?
