
Saturday 15 November 2008

Out for a duck

A bit of a brief visit to the parish today, with Mrs C, so casual birding all the way!
The juv female scaup was on Freeman's Pools (where does this bird 'disappear' to?) plus a pair of tufteds, just 3 wigeon, 2 little grebe and 1 goldeneye plus the usual stuff.
A further 3 goldeneye (2f, 1stw m) were at the Wildfowlers' Pools and a single little egret was on the marsh.
Plenty of blackbirds about but no other thrushes of note.

First grey partridge I've see in the Aldcliffe area for ages (I'd rather gloomily summised that they'd possibly finally disappeared as breeding birds in the area) - but NO! A pair of adults with 3 1st year birds were seen in an area where they traditionally breed. But for how long?

A little owl was in Admiralty Wood.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I also saw possibly the same covey of five partridge at Whinney Carr, perhaps the increased result of a single pair seen here last year.Good to see and hear them!
