
Saturday 18 October 2008

Winter thrushes arrive...

Late morning, early afternoon prowl around revealed the following 'highlights'...

Freeman's Wood - 50ish redwing tazzing around and feeding in the hawthorns, plus 2 fieldfare and few song thrushes. No tit flocks of note.

Freeman's Pools: 3 little grebe, 2 shoveler, 2 tufted duck, 2 pochard, 1 goldeneye, 5 wigeon, 21 coot, 4 mute swan.
Also 1 stoat and a roe deer.

Frog Pond - 2 mute swan & 1 brown hare.

Darter Pool - 1 little grebe, 2 coot.

Wildfowlers' Pools - 6 coot & a peregrine.

The Flood - 1 little grebe.

Snipe Bog - 4 common snipe

Aldcliffe Marsh - 3 little egret.

Cycle track - 1 LT tit flock contained 2 blue tit and nowt else.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that the title is totally lacking in puns/wordplay of any kind. Could I suggest as suitable crappy alternatives " A Turd-rate day" or even worse, "What's Th'Rush?
