
Monday 30 June 2008

More of the same

Quick post-work visit...
3 LRplover at Freeman's Pools this evening, 2 vocal birds in flight (may have included the juv) and another (adult) on the island.
Oystercatcher family still seem to be doing well, though the coot brood is down to one.
There was an unfortunate bit of disturbance from a dog-walker who walked the entire main pool edge, freaking out all the parent birds. I had what I hope was a polite and instructive chat pointing out that the site was being managed as a wildlife site but in fairness, she did point out that there was nothing to imply as such. Though the mass of signs saying No Unauthorised Access, Danger Deep Water and such perhaps should have hinted that public access wasn't exactly being encouraged...
Lots of hirundines and swifts feeding over Freeman's Wood.
The 2 young coot on Darter Pool appear to be doing well, nearly adult sized now.
The drake shoveler was dabbling on the Wildfowlers' Pools, as viewed from the gate.
All being well, and based on previous year' experience, we could well see the first returning green sandpipers within the week...

1 comment:

  1. Dan H had a juvenile and adult grey wagtail at the Wildfowler's Pools on this date (30/6).
